Happy Birthday, TNG!
Monday, September 28, 1987 - The pilot episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation aired. That’s 20 years today!
Monday, September 28, 1987 - The pilot episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation aired. That’s 20 years today!
While eating my dinner, I turned on the TV and I noticed that they were playing ST:VOY. I decided to keep watching. I noticed few things…
After the episode ended, another one started, this time, it was Enterprise - the crappy series, not related to anything else with the same name. I decided to see at least the begining of the episode since I know the series has been written off an unprofitable (I think that’s the reason). I noticed several blatantly obvious stupidities..
Bleh, I’m getting sick of taking about Enterprise…:-/ Time to post this and forget I ever watched ENT.
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