Josef “Jeff” Sipek

Disturbing Imagery

While eating my dinner, I turned on the TV and I noticed that they were playing ST:VOY. I decided to keep watching. I noticed few things…

  1. The plot was completely ripped off from ST:TNG (spaceship dragged along in space by space creatures)
  2. Tuvok, the resident Vulcan, sounds like a cheap Text-To-Speech synthesizer running on a 100MHz Pentium
  3. Janeway, the so-called captain, doesn’t fit the role, she is too emotional

  1. When she was discussing the possibility of the crew having children, she just question everything with a "Are you crazy? We can’t provide them education! We can’t…"-attitude.
  2. At the end, she made a really cheap remark. Chakotay, the first officer, managed to save the ship by using his knowledge of animal mating "psychology," and Janeway said something like, "If I ever need any of [that] knowledge, I know where to find it."

After the episode ended, another one started, this time, it was Enterprise - the crappy series, not related to anything else with the same name. I decided to see at least the begining of the episode since I know the series has been written off an unprofitable (I think that’s the reason). I noticed several blatantly obvious stupidities..

  1. As you all know, T’Pol is supposedly a Vulcan. Well as usual, she doesn’t act like it.
  2. The theme song is stupid, and unlike any other Star Trek theme song _EVER_ recorded. (I think this is actually good, this and the fact that Enterprise - the series - doesn’t anywhere say it is Star Trek, except the brief "Based on Star Trek by Gene Roddenberry.

Bleh, I’m getting sick of taking about Enterprise…:-/ Time to post this and forget I ever watched ENT.


  1. We also have an engineer who whines too much, an armoury officer (who is also a whiner), an irritatingly cheerful doctor, that ensign guy who never gets to do anything, and a language officer who can magically translate languages no human has ever heard before. Instead of shields we have "polarized hulls", which serves as the exact same plot device as shields did previously, a transporter that always works yet get used only as a duex-ex-machina, time travel (we even had a quantum leap like episode!), nazi aliens, cheap pr0n-like subplots, horrible science, aliens we're not even supposed to know about yet in the pre-TOS era (including the Ferrenghi and the Borg) and a total disregard for any kind of continuity.

    Comment by obiwan — February 21, 2005 @ 12:42

  2. Nazi aliens? Sounds like a TOS ripoff.

    Comment by JeffPC — February 21, 2005 @ 14:25

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