Josef “Jeff” Sipek

Serial Console in a Zone

In the past, I’ve talked about serial consoles. I have described how to set up a serial console on Solaris/OpenIndiana. I’ve talked about Grub’s composite console in Illumos-based distros. This time, I’m going do describe the one trick necessary to get tip(1) in a zone working.

In my case, I am using SmartOS to run my zones. Sadly, SmartOS doesn’t support device pass-through of this sort, so I have to tweak the zone config after I create the zone with vmadm.

Let’s assume that the serial port I want to pass through is /dev/term/a. Passing it through into a zone is as easy as:

[root@isis ~]# zonecfg -z 7cff99f6-2b01-464d-9f72-d0ef16ce48af
zonecfg:7cff99f6-2b01-464d-9f72-d0ef16ce48af> add device
zonecfg:7cff99f6-2b01-464d-9f72-d0ef16ce48af:device> set match=/dev/term/a
zonecfg:7cff99f6-2b01-464d-9f72-d0ef16ce48af:device> end
zonecfg:7cff99f6-2b01-464d-9f72-d0ef16ce48af> commit

At this point, you’ll probably want to reboot the zone (I don’t remember if it is strictly necessary). Once it is back up, you’ll want to get into the zone and point your software of choice at /dev/term/a. It doesn’t matter that you are in a zone. The same configuration rules apply — in my case, it’s the same change to /etc/remote as I described previously.

Serial Console

Over the past couple of days, I’ve been testing my changes to the crashdump core in Illumos. (Here’s why.) I do most of my development on my laptop — either directly, or I use it to ssh into a dev box. For Illumos development, I use the ssh approach. Often, I end up using my ancient desktop (pre-HyperThreading era 2GHz Pentium 4) as a test machine. It gets pretty annoying to have a physical keyboard and monitor to deal with when the system crashes. The obvious solution is to use a serial console. Sadly, all the “Solaris serial console howtos” leave a lot to be desired. As a result, I am going to document the steps here. I’m connecting from Solaris to Solaris. If you use Linux on one of the boxes, you will have to do it a little differently.

Test Box

First, let’s change the console speed from the default 9600 to a more reasonable 115200. In /etc/ttydefs change the console line to:

console:115200 hupcl opost onlcr:115200::console

Second, we need to tell the kernel to use the serial port as a console. Here, I’m going to assume that you are using the first serial port (i.e., ttya). So, open up your Grub config (/rpool/boot/grub/menu.lst assuming your root pool is rpool) and find the currently active entry.

You’ll see something like this:

title openindiana-8
findroot (pool_rpool,0,a)
bootfs rpool/ROOT/openindiana-8
splashimage /boot/splashimage.xpm
foreground FF0000
background A8A8A8
kernel$ /platform/i86pc/kernel/$ISADIR/unix -B $ZFS-BOOTFS
module$ /platform/i86pc/$ISADIR/boot_archive

We need to add two options. One to tell the kernel to use the serial port as a console, and one to tell it the serial config (rate, parity, etc.).

You’ll want to change the kernel$ line to:

kernel$ /platform/i86pc/kernel/$ISADIR/unix -B $ZFS-BOOTFS,console=ttya,ttya-mode="115200,8,n,1,-" -k

Note that we appended the options with commas to the existing -B. If you do not already have a -B, just add it and the two new options. The -k will make the kernel drop into the debugger when bad things happen. You can omit it if you just want a serial console without the debugger getting loaded.

There’s one last thing left to do. Let’s tell grub to use the same serial port and not use a splash image. This can be done by adding these lines to the top of your menu.lst:

serial --unit=0 --speed=115200
terminal serial

and removing (commenting out) the splashimage line.

So, what happens if you make all these changes and then beadm creates a new BE? The right thing! beadm will copy over all the kernel options so your new BE will just work.

Dev Box

I use OpenIndiana on my dev box. I could have used minicom, but I find minicom to be a huge pain unless you have a modem you want to talk to. I’m told that screen can talk to serial ports as well. I decided to keep things super-simple and configured tip.

First, one edits /etc/remote. I just changed the definition for hardwire to point to the first serial port (/dev/term/a) and use the right speed (115200):


Then, I can just run a simple command to get the other system:

$ tip hardwire

DTrace: The utmp_update Debugger

For the past 2 years, I am a happy user of rxvt-unicode, aka urxvt. Recently, I noticed that my logs contained rather mysterious error messages:

Nov  3 22:46:03 meili utmp_update[1613]: [ID 845426 user.error] Wrong number of
	arguments or invalid user 

Sometimes, there were a dozen of these. Of course I filed a bug with the Illumos folks. Rich Lowe suggested using DTrace to figure out what is actually going on. It was time to look at the exit codes for utmp_update.

	printf("utmp_update exited with code %d", arg0);
	@[arg0] = count();


Since utmp is involved, it had something to do with terminals, so I tried to open some terminals and close them. That did it!

# dtrace -s catch-errors.d 
dtrace: script 'catch-errors.d' matched 2 probes
CPU     ID                    FUNCTION:NAME
  0     49                      rexit:entry utmp_update exited with code 0
  1     49                      rexit:entry utmp_update exited with code 0
  0     49                      rexit:entry utmp_update exited with code 7
  0     49                      rexit:entry utmp_update exited with code 7
  1     49                      rexit:entry utmp_update exited with code 0
  5     49                      rexit:entry utmp_update exited with code 0
  1     49                      rexit:entry utmp_update exited with code 0
  2     49                      rexit:entry utmp_update exited with code 0
  3     49                      rexit:entry utmp_update exited with code 7
  1  67549                      :tick-60sec 
                7                3
                0                6

It turns out that every time I closed a terminal, utmp_update exited with error 7. A quick glance at usr/src/cmd/utmp_update/utmp_update.c reveals:

 * Return codes
#define	NORMAL_EXIT		0
#define	BAD_ARGS		1
#define	FORK_FAILURE		3
#define	ALREADY_DEAD		5
#define	DEVICE_ERROR		8

Aha! It really is an invalid argument. At this point, Rich pointed me to setutxline in Sadly, for whatever reason, the probe pid* didn’t work (it didn’t match anything). Rich suggested the following DTrace script:

/strstr(args[0], "utmp") != NULL/

Pretty straightforward — the output told me that it was urxvt causing all this trouble.

Now, I knew to watch out for pututxline in urxvt. I tried to set a probe pid$target::pututxline:entry and use the new print function in DTrace, but due to a user error (read: sometimes I write stupid code) it didn’t work. Rich helped me navigate through mdb to get a print-out of the utx structure. At this point, it was a bit too late in the night and so I went to bed.

The next morning, I tried the print function again and this time I used it right and it printed out the structure:

struct utmpx {
    char [32] ut_user = [ "" ]
    char [4] ut_id = [ 'v', 't', '0', '2' ]
    char [32] ut_line = [ "pts/2" ]
    pid_t ut_pid = 0x193ec
    short ut_type = 0x8
    struct exit_status ut_exit = {
        short e_termination = 0
        short e_exit = 0
    struct timeval ut_tv = {
        time_t tv_sec = 0x4eb55d2a
        suseconds_t tv_usec = 0x18adc
    int ut_session = 0
    int [5] pad = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
    short ut_syslen = 0
    char [257] ut_host = [ "" ]

Everything looks right, except that the ut_user field is blank. I wonder if this could be the cause of it. Time to look at the urxvt code! (The ustack() action in a DTrace probe for pututxline:entry will tell you where to look.) Here’s a snippet from rxvt-unicode-9.12/libptytty/src/logging.C:

 * remove utmp and wtmp entries
ptytty_unix::logout ()
  setutxent ();
  tmputx = getutxid (utx);
  if (tmputx && tmputx->ut_pid == cmd_pid)
    pututxline (utx);
  endutxent ();

Ok, so it gets a utx struct and then it puts a different one. Let’s see how different those two are:

# cat getutxid.d
#include <utmpx.h>

	print(*(struct utmpx*)copyin(arg1, sizeof(struct utmpx)));
# dtrace -Cs getutxid.d -p 103403
dtrace: script 'getutxid.d' matched 1 probes
dtrace: pid 103403 has exited
CPU     ID                    FUNCTION:NAME
  4  67555                  getutxid:return 
struct utmpx {
    char [32] ut_user = [ "jeffpc" ]
    char [4] ut_id = [ 'v', 't', '0', '2' ]
    char [32] ut_line = [ "pts/2" ]
    pid_t ut_pid = 0x193ec
    short ut_type = 0x7
    struct exit_status ut_exit = {
        short e_termination = 0
        short e_exit = 0x2
    struct timeval ut_tv = {
        time_t tv_sec = 0x4eb55d1f
        suseconds_t tv_usec = 0x18adc
    int ut_session = 0
    int [5] pad = [ 0, 0, 0, 0x303a0005, 0x302e ]
    short ut_syslen = 0
    char [257] ut_host = [ "" ]

Ok, it’s more or less the same. It does, however, have a username filled in. I wonder what would happen if I filled in the username. (The urxvt code seems to fill it in only on login updates and it leaves the field empty on logout updates.) Now, I had 3 choices…

  1. Change the urxvt code to fill in the username on logout updates.
  2. Set a breakpoint in gdb or mdb and then tweak the structure before it is passed to utmp_update.
  3. Use DTraces “destructive” option to allow me to modify the process’s memory.

I chose #3.

Here’s the script in all its glory:

#pragma D option destructive

#include <utmpx.h>

	print(*(struct utmpx*)copyin(arg1, sizeof(struct utmpx)));

	print(*(struct utmpx*)copyin(arg0, sizeof(struct utmpx)));
	copyout("jeffpc\0", (uintptr_t)&((struct utmpx*)arg0)->ut_user[0], 7);
	print(*(struct utmpx*)copyin(arg0, sizeof(struct utmpx)));

	printf("pututxline returned %p", arg1);

And here’s the output:

# dtrace -Cs foo.d -p 103403
dtrace: script 'foo.d' matched 3 probes
dtrace: allowing destructive actions
dtrace: pid 103403 has exited
CPU     ID                    FUNCTION:NAME
  4  67555                  getutxid:return 
struct utmpx {
    char [32] ut_user = [ "jeffpc" ]
    char [4] ut_id = [ 'v', 't', '0', '2' ]
    char [32] ut_line = [ "pts/2" ]
    pid_t ut_pid = 0x193ec
    short ut_type = 0x7
    struct exit_status ut_exit = {
        short e_termination = 0
        short e_exit = 0x2
    struct timeval ut_tv = {
        time_t tv_sec = 0x4eb55d1f
        suseconds_t tv_usec = 0x18adc
    int ut_session = 0
    int [5] pad = [ 0, 0, 0, 0x303a0005, 0x302e ]
    short ut_syslen = 0
    char [257] ut_host = [ "" ]
  4  67556                 pututxline:entry 
struct utmpx {
    char [32] ut_user = [ "" ]
    char [4] ut_id = [ 'v', 't', '0', '2' ]
    char [32] ut_line = [ "pts/2" ]
    pid_t ut_pid = 0x193ec
    short ut_type = 0x8
    struct exit_status ut_exit = {
        short e_termination = 0
        short e_exit = 0
    struct timeval ut_tv = {
        time_t tv_sec = 0x4eb55d2a
        suseconds_t tv_usec = 0x18adc
    int ut_session = 0
    int [5] pad = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
    short ut_syslen = 0
    char [257] ut_host = [ "" ]
struct utmpx {
    char [32] ut_user = [ "jeffpc" ]
    char [4] ut_id = [ 'v', 't', '0', '2' ]
    char [32] ut_line = [ "pts/2" ]
    pid_t ut_pid = 0x193ec
    short ut_type = 0x8
    struct exit_status ut_exit = {
        short e_termination = 0
        short e_exit = 0
    struct timeval ut_tv = {
        time_t tv_sec = 0x4eb55d2a
        suseconds_t tv_usec = 0x18adc
    int ut_session = 0
    int [5] pad = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
    short ut_syslen = 0
    char [257] ut_host = [ "" ]
  4  67557                pututxline:return pututxline returned fef6ecf0

We can see the getutxid return a reasonable utmpx. Then we see pututxline get a utmpx without a username set. Then there is the fixed up tmpx. Finally, we see that the pututxline returned a non-NULL pointer. (It returns NULL on error — which does indeed happen without the fix-up.)

There you have it, folks. DTrace let me debug an issue without annoying change-compile-install cycles. Now, all I have to do is fix up urxvt in OpenIndiana and possibly, if it applies to other systems, push the fix upstream.

Timesavers: ZFS & BE

I’ve mentioned Boot Environments before. Well, earlier this week BEs and ZFS snapshots saved me a bunch of time. Here’s what happened.

I was in the middle of installing some package (pkg install foo) when my laptop locked up. I had to power cycle it the hard way. When it booted back up, I retried the install, but pkg complained that some state file was corrupted and it didn’t want to do anything. Uh oh. I’ve had similar issue happen to me on Debian with aptitude, so I knew that the hard way of fixing this issue was going to take more time than I’d like to dedicate to it (read: none). Thankfully, I use OpenIndiana which has ZFS and BEs.

  1. Reboot into a BE from a while ago (openindiana-3). The latest BE (openindiana-4) was created by pkg about a month ago as a clone of openindiana-3 during a major upgrade.
  2. Figure out which automatic ZFS snapshot I want to revert to. A matter of running zfs list -t all rpool/ROOT/openindiana-4 | tail -5 and picking the latest snapshot which I believe is from before pkg messed it all up. I ended up going an hour back just to make sure.
  3. Revert the BE. beadm rollback openindiana-4@zfs-auto-snap_hourly-2011-10-25-19h11
  4. Reboot back into openindiana-4.

After the final reboot, everything worked just fine. (Since the home directories are on a different dataset, they were left untouched.)

Total downtime: 5 minutes
Ease of repair: trivial

Your Turn

Do you have a corrupt package manager war story? Did you just restore from backup? Let me know in a comment.

OpenIndiana The What and Why

You have seen me publish two posts about OpenIndiana, but neither of them really says what it is and why you should use it.

The What

OpenIndiana started off as a fork of OpenSolaris. At first, its aim was to provide an alternative to Oracle’s soon-to-be-released Solaris 11, but lately its aim shifted to “an enterprise-quality OS alternative to Linux.”

OpenIndiana is much like a distro in the Linux world. It relies on the Illumos project for the kernel and basic userspace utilities (the shell, etc.). In September 2010, Illumos forked the OpenSolaris kernel and utilities, and OpenIndiana forked the surrounding userspace (the build system for all the packages that make the system usable).

The Why

It is the technology that is the reason I started using OI. Here are some of the features that either drew me in to try OI, or made me stay.

Crossbow was the name of the project that consisted of a major revamp of the network stack. With this revamp (which was available in OpenSolaris), you can create virtual network interfaces, vlans, bridges, switches (called etherstubs), as well as aggregate links with simple commands — quickly, and all the configuration is persistent. You can dedicate both physical and virtual links to zones (see below) to create entire network topologies within one computer. (see dladm(1M) and ipdam(1M))
These days, everyone is happily setting up virtual machines whenever they need an environment they can tweak without affecting stability of other services. Solaris zones are a great virtualization technology. They allow you to set up multiple Solaris instances (called zones) that have a separate root filesystem (much like chroot). Unlike chrooted environments, having root access in a zone does not give you unrestricted access to the kernel. Zones combined with crossbow is a great combination to consolidate separate systems onto a single Solaris host. (I am currently writing a post about using zones and crossbow on a home server/router.)
Boot Environments (BE) & IPS
Long story short, if the package manager (IPS) detects that a potentially major change is going to occur during an update (e.g., a driver or kernel upgrade), it clones the current root filesystem (easy to do thanks to ZFS) and applies the updates there. It then adds a menu entry to grub to boot into this new environment. The current environment is unchanged. At your leisure, you just reboot into the new environment. If everything works — great. If, however, things break, you can just reboot into the previous BE, and mount the new BE’s root and fix things up. This means that the only downtime the system sees is the reboot or two.
There’s plenty of ZFS discussion elsewhere. My favorite features about it are (in no particular order): snapshots, deduplication, integrated volume management, and checksumming.

So there you have it. Sure, many of Solaris’s features are available in some shape or form on Linux, but they tend to be either horribly crippled, or if you are “lucky,” lacking sane management interface.

If you want to see what all this fuss is about, I suggest you grab the Live DVD (or Live USB) image on the download page and give it a try.


Back in June I got myself a new laptop — Thinkpad T520. As always, it’s a solid design (yes, I know, Thinkpads aren’t what they used to be). The unfortunate news is that the hardware was just a bit too new to be supported well. It came with Windows 7, which of course knew how to deal with all the devices in the system.


I tried installing Debian, but anything but the latest testing snapshot didn’t recognize my Intel 82579LM ethernet chip. The latest development snapshot installed just fine, but when I tried to boot into the installed system, everything got stuck in the middle of the initramfs. Booting with init=/bin/bash got me a shell, but anything and everything I tried didn’t fix the problem in the end. I searched the bug tracker for similar issues — no luck. In a last ditch effort, I tried to ask #debian. In has been my experience in the past that this channel is useless, but I asked anyway. I got precisely zero responses.


Unlike Debian, OpenIndiana installed and booted just fine. Sadly, both my wifi (Intel Wifi Link 1000) and my wired ethernet were not supported. I ended up installing VirtualBox in Windows and OpenIndiana underneath it. It worked reasonably well. At the same time, I started pestering some of the Illumos developers that mentioned that they were working on an update to the e1000g driver — the driver for my wired network interface.

Yesterday, one of them updated the bug related to the driver update with binaries for people to try. Well, guess what? I’m writing this entry in Vim over ssh.

The driver install was a simple matter of overwriting the existing e1000g files, and then running update_drv -a -i ’"pci8086,1502"’ e1000g and then rebooting. (I could have used devfsadm instead, but I wanted to make sure things would come up on boot anyway.)

I still need to switch Xorg to the proprietary NVidia driver.


I’m pretty sure I’ll end up rebooting into Windows every so often anyway…if only to play Wikipedia article: Age of Mythology. :)

P.S. In case you haven’t guessed it yet, Meili is my laptop’s hostname.

OpenIndiana (build 151a)

Over the past few months, I’ve played with Solaris — specifically, OpenIndiana, or OI for short. OI is a fork of OpenSolaris. OI’s first release happened on September 14, 2010. Today, exactly a year later, the OI community is proud to annouce the release of build 151a. The release notes say it all.

Personally, I find the KVM port to Illumos (the project that forked the core libs, programs, and OpenSolaris kernel) the most interesting. It’ll let me run (and manage!) virtual machines a bit more easily than what I get with VirtualBox. (Since OI now uses Illumos as the core Solaris upstream, it benefits from all the great work done by companies and individuals that contribute to Illumos.)

In case you are a bit confused, OI aims to be the defacto community Solaris distribution.

Oh, I almost forgot… 151a includes a package with Guilt (developer/versioning/guilt). :)

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