Josef “Jeff” Sipek

Disabling Monospaced Font Ligatures

A recent upgrade of FreeBSD on my desktop resulted in just about every program (Firefox, KiCAD, but thankfully not urxvt) rendering various ligatures even for monospaced fonts. Needless to say, this is really annoying when looking at code, etc. Not having any better ideas, I asked on Mastodon if anyone knew how to turn this mis-feature off.

About an hour later, suggested dropping the following XML in /usr/local/etc/fonts/conf.avail/29-local-noto-mono-fixup.conf and adding a symlink in ../conf.d to enable it:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "urn:fontconfig:fonts.dtd">
	<description>Disable ligatures for monospaced fonts to avoid ff, fi, ffi, etc. becoming only one character wide</description>
	<match target="font">
		<test name="family" compare="eq">
			<string>Noto Sans Mono</string>
		<edit name="fontfeatures" mode="append">
			<string>liga off</string>
			<string>dlig off</string>

This solved my problem. Hopefully this will help others. if not, it’s a note-to-self for when I need to reapply this fixup :)

FreeBSD Sound: ALSA & Qt

Sound in FreeBSD is somewhat complicated because of the various portability and compatibility shims. Last week, I hit an annoying to diagnose situation: I plugged in a USB sound card and while the kernel and some applications detected it just fine, other applications didn’t seem to notice it at all.

At first, I thought it was a Qt issue since only Qt applications appeared broken. But then, mere minutes before emailing a FreeBSD mailing list, I managed to find a hint that it was likely an ALSA on FreeBSD issue. Some searching later, I learned that in order for ALSA to see the device, it needed a mapping to the actual OSS device.

So, after adding the following to ~/.asoundrc, any ALSA application (and therefore any Qt application) that tries to list the sound devices will see a “ft991a” device:

pcm.ft991a {
	type oss
	device /dev/dsp3

To make it more explicit, without adding the above stanza to .asoundrc:

  1. OSS applications work fine.
  2. PortAudio applications work fine.
  3. ALSA applications did not see the device.

With the stanza, everything seems to work.

Installing Debian under FreeBSD's bhyve

This weekend I tried to move my work dev vm to a slightly beefier vm host. This meant moving the vm from kvm on OmniOS to bhyve on FreeBSD 12.1. After moving the disk images over, I tried to configure vm-bhyve to use them as-is. Unfortunately, grub2-bhyve fails to boot XFS root file systems with CRC support and there was no good way to convert the disk image to get it to boot via UEFI instead (to avoid grub2-bhyve completely). So, I decided to simply reinstall it.

In theory, this shouldn’t have been too difficult since I had the foresight to have /home on a separate virtual disk. In practice, I spent several hours reinstalling Debian Buster over and over, trying to figure out why it’d install and reboot fine, but subsequent boots wouldn’t make it past the EFI firmware.

It turns out that Debian tries to make multi-booting possible and puts its EFI binary into a non-standard location. That combined with bhyve not persisting EFI variables after shutdown results in any boot after the the first poweroff not even trying to look at the Debian-specific path.

This is not a Debian bug, but rather bhyve’s EFI support being incomplete. The easiest way around this is to copy the Debian binary into the standard location immediately after installation. In other words:

# cd /boot/efi/EFI
# mkdir BOOT
# cp debian/grubx64.efi BOOT/bootx64.efi

That’s all that’s needed. The downside to this is that the copy will not get automatically upgraded when grub gets an update.

For completeness, here are the relevant bits of the vm’s config:


Building FreeBSD Binary Packages

On my laptop, I use the binary packages provided by FreeBSD ports. Sometimes however, I want to rebuild a package because I want to change an option (for example, recently I wanted to set DEBUG=on for mutt).

While this is very easy, for whatever reason I can never find a doc with a concise set of steps to accomplish it.

So, for the next time I need to do this:

# portsnap fetch
# portsnap update
# cd /usr/ports/some/thing
# make showconfig
# make rmconfig   # to reset config, if needed
# make clean      # as needed
# make package
# pkg install work/pkg/*.txz

That’s all there is to it.

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