Josef “Jeff” Sipek

Modern Mercurial - Phases

This post is part of a series named “Modern Mercurial” where I share my realizations about how much Mercurial has advanced since 2005 without me noticing.

Last year, I had a realization that I haven’t been using Mercurial to its full potential. In this post, I’d like to share my thoughts about and usage of Mercurial Phases.

Phases are not a new feature. They made their first appearance back in 2012 as part of Mercurial 2.1, which makes them a little over 6 years old.

What are phases?

While there is a description of phases on the Mercurial wiki, I’ll take a stab at a short intro.

Each commit belongs to one of three phases (public, draft, or secret) which implies a set of allowed operations on the commit. Furthermore, the phase dictates which other phase or phases the commit can transition to.

You can think of the phases as totally ordered (secretdraftpublic) and a commit’s phase can only move in that direction. That is, a secret commit can become either a draft or a public commit, a draft commit can become a public commit, and a public commit is “stuck” being public. (Of course if you really want to, Mercurial allows you to force a commit to any phase via hg phase -f.)

The allowed operations on a commit of a particular phase are pretty self-explanatory:

Public commits are deemed immutable and sharable—meaning that if you try to perform an operation on a commit that would modify it (e.g., hg commit –amend), Mercurial will error out. All read-only operations as well as pushing and pulling are allowed.

Secret commits are mutable and not sharable—meaning that all modifications are allowed, but the commits are not pullable or pushable. In other words, a hg pull will not see secret commits in the remote repository, and a hg push will not push secret commits to the remote repository.

Draft commits are mutable and sharable—a phase between public and secret. Like secret commits, changes to commits are allowed, and like public commits, pushing and pulling is allowed.

Or in tabular form:

Phase Commits Sharing
public immutable allowed
draft mutable allowed
secret mutable prevented

By default, all new commits are automatically marked as draft, and when a draft commit is pushed it becomes public on both ends.

Note that these descriptions ignore the amazing changeset evolution features making their way into current Mercurial since they can blur the “not yet shared” nature of draft commits. (Perhaps I should have titled this post Modern Mercurial (2012 edition) — Phases.)

A note about hg log

Unfortunately, the default hg log output does not display phases at all. I think this is rather unfortunate (but understandable from a backwards compatibility point of view).

Last year, I dedicated a whole post to how I template hg log information including my reasoning for why I display phases the way I do.

How do I use phases?

Now that we have the basic introduction to phases out of the way, let me describe how I mapped them to my workflow.

First of all, I make all new commits start in the secret phase (instead of the default draft) with a quick addition to .hgrc:

new-commit = secret

This immediately prevents an accidental hg push from pushing commits that I’m still working on. (Recall that secret commits cannot be pushed.) In at least one repository, this allowed me to regularly have more than 6 heads with various work-in-progress feature ideas without the fear of accidentally messing up a public repository. Before I started using phases, I used separate clones to get similar (but not as thorough) protections.

Now, I work on a commit for a while (keeping it in the secret phase), and when I feel like I’m done, I transition it to the draft phase (via hg phase -d). At that point, I’m basically telling Mercurial (and myself when I later look at hg log) that I’m happy enough with the commit to push it.

Depending on what I’m working on, I may or may not push it immediately after (which would transition the commit to the public phase). Usually, I hold off pushing the commit if it is part of a series, but I haven’t done the last-chance sanity checks of the other commits.

Note: I like to run hg push without specifying a revision to push. I find this natural (and less to type). If I always specified a revision, then phases wouldn’t help me as much.

“Ugly” repos

I have a couple of repositories that I use for managing assorted data like my car’s gasoline utilization. In these repositories, the commits are simple data point additions to a CSV file and the commit messages are repetitive one-liners. (These one-liners create a rather “ugly” commit history.)

In essence, the workflow these repositories see can be summarized as:

$ echo "2018-04-05,12345,17.231," >> data.csv
$ hg commit -m "more gas"
$ hg push

In these repositories, I’ve found that defaulting to the secret phase was rather annoying because every commit was immediately followed by a phase change to allow the push to work. So, for these repos I changed new-commit back to draft.

Edit: I reworded the sentence about Mercurial giving you a way to force a commit to any phase based on feedback on

Modern Mercurial - hg log

This post is part of a series named “Modern Mercurial” where I share my realizations about how much Mercurial has advanced since 2005 without me noticing.

As I pointed out recently, I ended up customizing my .hgrc to better suit my needs. In this post, I’m going to talk about my changes to tailor the hg log output to my liking.

There are three issues I have with the default hg log format:

  1. By default, only the first line of the commit message is shown. To see it fully, you need to use verbose mode.
  2. In verbose mode, the touched files are listed as well without a way to hide them.
  3. In verbose mode, the listed files are not listed one per line, but rather as a single line.

If, like me, you prefer the Linux-kernel style commit messages, you likely want to see the whole message when you look at the log (problem #1). Here is, for example, a screenshot of a commit using the default style (normal and verbose mode):

hg log

You can work around not seeing the whole commit message by always using the verbose mode, but that means that you’ll also be assaulted by the list of changed files (problem #2) without a way to hide it. To make the second problem even worse, the file names are listed on a single line, so all but the most trivial of changes create an impossible to read blob of file names (problem #3). For example, even with only a handful of files touched by a commit:

hg log -v

At least, those are my problems with the default format. I’m sure some people like the default just the way it is. Thankfully, Mercurial is sporting a powerful templating engine, so I can override the style whichever way I want.


Ok, before I dive into the rather simple config file changes, let’s take a look at a screenshot of the result on a test repository:

hg log -G

As you can see, the format of each log entry is similar to that of git log (note that the whole multi-line commit message is displayed, see revision 1), but with extra information. What exactly does it all mean? I think the best way to explain all the various bits of information is to show you an annotated version of the same screenshot:

hg log -G

I’m now going to describe the reasons why the various bits of information are presented the just way they are. If you aren’t interested in this description, skip ahead to the next section where I present the actual configuration changes I made.

Each commit hash (in yellow) is followed by a number of “items” that tell you more about the commit.

First is the phase. The phase name is abbreviated to a single letter (or no letter for the public phase) and color coded. It is the first item because every commit has a phase, the phase is an important bit of information, and the “encoded” phase info is very compact.

The reasoning behind the phase letters and colors is as follows:

public phase (no letter)
Public commits are not interesting since everyone has them, so don’t draw attention to them by omitting a letter.
secret phase (‘S’)
The only interesting thing about secret commits is that they will not be pushed. That means that they cannot be accidentally pushed either. Since this behavior is “boring”, use dark blue to indicate that they are different from public commits, but do not draw too much attention to them.
draft phase (‘D’)
These are the “dangerous” commits. Pushing them will change the remote repository’s state, so draw significantly more attention to these by using red.

I use letters instead of just using a different color for the commit hash for a very simple reason—if colors aren’t rendering properly, I still want to be able to tell the phases apart.

Second comes the named branch. When looking at several commits (e.g., hg log), most of the time any two adjacent commits will be on the same named branch. On top of that, each commit belongs to exactly one named branch. Therefore, even though the named branch name is not a fixed field, it behaves as one. In my experience, it is a good idea to display fixed fields before any variable length fields to make it easier for the eyes to spot any differences. (Yes, technically the way I display the phase information is not fixed width and therefore the named branch will not always start in the same column, but in practice adjacent commits tend to have the same phase as well, so the named branch will always be in a semi-fixed position.) Note that in Mercurial the “default” branch is usually rendered as the empty string, and I follow that convention with my template.

Third comes the list of tags. Each commit can have many tags. This is the first item on the line that can become unreasonably long. At least in the repositories that I deal with, there aren’t very many tags per commit, so I haven’t seen any bad effects.

Fourth and final comes the list of bookmarks. Much like tags, there can be many, but in practice there are very few. Since I deal with tags more often than bookmarks, I put the bookmark information after the tags. The active bookmark is rendered as bold.

The choice of colors for named branches (cyan), tags (green), and bookmarks (magenta) was guided by a simple principle: they should go well with the yellow color of the changeset line, and not draw too much attention but still be visually distinct. Sadly, on a terminal without color support, they will all render the same way. I think this is still workable, since repositories have conventions for branches/tags/bookmarks naming and therefore the user can still guess what type of name it is. (Worst case, the user can consult other hg commands to figure out what exactly is being displayed.)

The checked out commit and the active bookmark being rendered as bold without any additional indication that they are different is also unfortunate. I haven’t found a pleasant way to render this information that would convey the same information on dumb terminals. (Note that there is a class of terminals that support bold fonts but not different colors. Even those will render this info correctly.)


So, how did I achieve this glorious output? It’s not too complicated, but it took me a while to tune things just to my liking.

First, I make a custom style file with two templates—changeset and changeset_verbose:

changeset_common = '{label(ifcontains(rev, revset('parents()'),
      "commit {rev}:{node}")}\
	ifeq(phase, "public",
	  " {ifeq(phase,"draft","D","S")}"))}\
      {label("log.branch", ifeq(branch, "default", "", " {branch}"))}\
      {label("log.tag", if(tags, " {tags}"))}\
      {bookmarks % "{ifeq(bookmark, currentbookmark,
	label('log.activebookmark', " {bookmark}"),
	label('log.bookmark', " {bookmark}"))}"}
    {ifeq(parents,"","","{ifeq(p2rev,-1,"Parent: ","Merge: ")}{parents}\n")}\
    Author: {author}
    Date:   {date(date,"%c %z")}\n
    {indent(desc,"    ")}\n'
changeset_files = '{ifeq(files, "", "", "\n {join(files,\"\n \")}\n")}'

changeset_verbose = '{changeset_common}{changeset_files}\n'
changeset = '{changeset_common}\n'

Normally, changeset is used by hg log and other revision set printing commands, while changeset_verbose is used when you provide them with the -v switch. In my template, the only difference between the two is that the verbose version prints the list of files touched by the commit.

Second, in my .hgrc, I define the colors I want to use for the various bits of info:

log.activebookmark = magenta bold
log.activechangeset = yellow bold
log.bookmark = magenta
log.branch = cyan
log.changeset = yellow
log.phase_draft = red bold
log.phase_secret = blue bold
log.tag = green

Finally, in my .hgrc, I set the default style to point to my style file:

style = $HOME/environ/hg/style

That’s all there is to it! Feel free to take the above snippets and tailor them to your liking.

hg log -v vs. hg log –stat sidenote

My first version of the template did not support the verbose mode. I didn’t think this was a big deal, and I simply used hg log –stat instead. This provides the list of files touched by the commit and a visual indication how much they changed. For example, here’s a close up of two commits in the same test repo:

hg log -G –stat

Then one day, I tried to do that on a larger repo with a cold cache. It was very slow. It made sense why—not only did Mercurial need to list all the commits, it also needed to produce the diff of each commit only to do some basic counting for the diffstat.

My solution to the problem was to make verbose mode list all the files touched by the commit by using {files}. This is rather cheap since it requires consulting the manifest instead of calculating the diff for each commit. For example, here are the same two commits as above but in verbose mode:

hg log -G -v

It certainly has less detail, but it is good enough when you want to search the log output for a specific file name.

Modern Mercurial

This post is part of a series named “Modern Mercurial” where I share my realizations about how much Mercurial has advanced since 2005 without me noticing.

I’ve been using both Git and Mercurial since they were first released in 2005. I’ve messed with the internals of both, but I always had a preference for Mercurial (its user interface is cleaner, its design is well thought-out, and so on). So, it should be no surprise that I felt a bit sad every time I heard that some project chose Git over Mercurial (or worse yet, migrated from Mercurial to Git). At the same time, I could see Git improving release after release—but Mercurial did not seem to. Seem is the operative word here.

A couple of weeks ago, I realized that more and more of my own repositories have been Git based. Not for any particular reason other than that I happened to type git init instead of hg init. After some reflection, I decided that I should convert a number of these repositories from Git to Mercurial. The conversion itself was painless thanks to the most excellent hggit extension that lets you clone, pull, and push Git repositories with Mercurial. (I just cloned the Git repository with a hg clone and then cleaned up some of the mess manually—for example, I don’t need the bookmark corresponding to the one and only branch in the original Git repository.) Then the real fun began.

I resumed the work on my various projects, but now with the brand-new Mercurial repositories. Soon after I started hitting various quirks with the Mercurial UI. I realized that the workflow I was using wasn’t really aligned with the UI. Undeterred, I looked for solutions. I enabled the pager extension, the color extension, overrode some of the default colors to be less offensive (and easier to read), enabled the shelve, rebase, and histedit extensions to (along with mq) let me do some minor history rewriting while I iteratively work on changes. (I learned about and switched to the evolve extension soon after.) With each tweak, the user experience got better and better.

Then it suddenly hit me—before these tweaks, I had been using Mercurial like it’s still 2005!

I think this is a very important observation. Mercurial didn’t seem to be improving because none of the user-visible changes were forced onto the users. Git, on the other hand, started with a dreadful UI so it made sense to enable new features by default to lessen the pain.

One could say that Mercurial took the Unix approach—simple and not exactly friendly by default, but incredibly powerful if you dig in a little. (This extensibility is why Facebook chose Mercurial over Git as a Subversion replacement.)

Now I wonder if some of the projects chose Git over Mercurial at least partially because by default Mercurial has been a bit…spartan.

With my .hgrc changes, I get exactly the information I want in a format that’s even better than what Git provided me. (Mercurial makes so much possible via its templating engine and the revsets language.)

So, what does all this mean for Mercurial? It’s hard to say, but I’m happy to report that there is a number of good improvements that should land in the upcoming 4.2 release scheduled for early May. For example, the pager and color functionality is moving into the core and they will be on by default.

Finally, I like my current Mercurial environment quite a lot. The hggit extension is making me seriously consider using Mercurial when dealing with Git repositories that I can’t convert.

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