Josef “Jeff” Sipek


Wikipedia article: Interchange — This definitely reminds me of xkcd: Highway Engineer Pranks. At the same time, it is fascinating how there is a whole set of standard interchanges.

DxOMark — Very in-depth reviews of SLR lenses and bodies.

Lisp as the Maxwell’s equations of software — Reading this has rekindled my interest in Lisp and Scheme.

This Man Has Been Trying to Live Life as a Goat

What’s going on with a Python assignment puzzle — As a C programmer, this is totally counter-intuitive to me.

Internet Mainframes Project — Screenshots of Wikipedia article: 3270 login screens of tons of internet facing mainframes.

The Case for Teaching Ignorance

Regular Expressions

Here’s something I stole from here:

Regular Expressions

I kind of feel like the hero in the cartoon at times…basically whenever someone asks me if something is possible to do in bash, I hack for a minute or two and then give them a nice script (which generally consists of some awk, which I am liking more and more, and possibly some sed). Sure, I don’t just write scripts for everyone at that asks for one, but I do it for fun when it sounds like the script should be sufficiently complex and enjoyable to do. Did I mention that I enjoy bash? Hrm. Speaking of bash, I’ll be presenting about it on Tuesday, January 30th at 7pm, for Linux Users Group @ Stony Brook. :)

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