Josef “Jeff” Sipek

Coding School Assignments

This semester I am taking a course where all the assignments revolve around “design.” At least that’s what we are told. For the most part, the design consists of drawing UML diagrams, and the coding the the rest. The one pet peve of mine is, the design exam. We knew that the exam will consists of drawing a bunch of UML diagrams in 80 minutes, handing them in, getting them back in few hours (the proffesor wants to make copies to prevent cheating, and for grading purposes) and then having a week to code up the application according to the UML. Of course we don’t know what the application to be design is supposed to be.

Here’s the kicker: Any deviation from the “design” will cost us points.

Now, my question is, does this really show if one is able to design well?


I was going to post this on the 28th, but then I decided to go to bed, now that I found the draft lying around, I decided to amend it.

Original post…

Quota are awesome! I am just playing with them on a disposable installation of Debian Sarge and it is lot of fun!

# modprobe quota_v2
# mount / -o remount,quota
# touch /aquota.user
# touch /
# quotacheck -am
# edquota username

And now what I think about quota…

  • The user interface is very nice
  • The developer interface just plainly SUCKS

Yes, the user-land utilities are great in linux, the just work! But the quotactl() call is horrendous…first of all it is not portable. Sure, it work if you don’t make drastic changes to the environment, like changing the kernel quota system (ver. 1 in 2.4.21 and earlier, ver. 2 in 2.4.22 and later, including the 2.5/2.6 kernels). Also if you use something as non-standard as XFS, you are out of luck…the quotactl syscall takes a different command when using XFS. It’s just aweful.


Mercurial just agrivated me greatly. It broke my patches. Yes, it broke my patches! If I try to create a new file, the patch actually make the patch program believe it is supposed to add the contents to an existing file. Grr….

SVK turns out to have a brain damaged way of picking where the repos are stored. You have to edit a dot file in your $HOME that works as a sign at crossroads. Urgh! Why can’t there be a distributed CMS (!svn) that is very repository oriented (cogito || hg), that generates nice patches (hg || svn) that work (svn).

So to sum everything far, svn is the best thing out there that I saw, unfortunatelly it is not distributed. Hg has a lot going for it, but it still has a few things to clean up. cogito is really bizzare. Its interface is rather unlike all other CMSes.

Another Enterprise Rant

Hello all! Sorry, but I must comment on some photos I found on’s site from the recent protest of the Enterprise fans.

I think I’ll use a very simple format for my rant. For each photograph, I will write a comment. In other words, if I had a directory structure such that there are two subdirectories, one called photos, and the other called comments. In each directory, there is a file with identical name but different extension. To write it out in something simpler to understand than English, here’s a small bash script:

for x in `find photos -type f` ; do
	echo photos/$x
	cat comments/$((echo $x | sed -e 's/jpg$/txt/g'))

Anyway, enough of this…here’s my rant:

Exhibit 1:


I have to agree with this poster, Kirk would save Star Trek. Conincidentally, that’s what’s going on. UPN doesn’t want Enterprise because it is not profitable. It would be if it was real Star Trek.

Exhibit 2:

Star Trek is Responsibility

Yes, and I think it is irresponsible to protest against stopping the production of Enterprise.

Exhibit 3:

Honk if..

It must have been relatively quiet day at Paramount…

Exhibit 4:

Best couple

You’ve got to be joking. Yes, even Vulcans have emotions, but they are _SUPPOSED TO_ supressed them. As for the other member of the “best couple”…urgh…

Exhibit 5:


Yes, Paramount made a mistake in 1969. But let’s face it, Original series wasn’t too much of a hit when it was first on the air in 1966-1969. Its popularity was much greater in 1970, until it lead to the Star Trek:The Motion Picture, which lead to 9 more movies, 14 seasons of good Star Trek (1 season = about 24 episodes), 7 seasons of mediocre episodes, and 4 seasons of Enterprise. What a bad way to end this series of series. :-(

Note: Now we are getting to the more bizarre photos…

Exhibit 6:


Let’s save Enterprise because the dog is cute! What a brilliant idea!

Exhibit 7:


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