Radium-Schokolade (1925) — Radium-laced Chocolate. Sold as something to rejuvenate your organs by eating or drinking it.
Untraceable communication — guaranteed — New untraceable text-messaging system comes with statistical guarantees.
Normalization of Deviance in Software
Michigan Terminal System Archive — It is good to see MTS live on as a historical curiosity and hobbyist OS.
Researchers uncover JavaScript-based ransomware-as-service — Ransomware-as-a-service…sigh.
imap4 partial fetch request — Sadly, mutt still doesn’t have it. I really don’t enjoy waiting for a large attachment to get downloaded over a slow link just because I want to read the email body.
Mathematicians invent new way to slice pizza into exotic shapes — I am not sure how some of those new shapes can possibly work in the real life without the notches essentially splitting the slice into a pile of mush that cannot be held.