FAST 2012
Last week I went to FAST ’12. As always, it’s been fun attending. Overall, the talks were good and gave me a couple of ideas. There was definitely a lot of flash and SSD related work — both of which I don’t find all that exciting. There was however a bunch of work related to dedup and backup.
Anyway, here’s my reading list. I’ve skimmed most of the papers, but I want to take a closer look at these.
- Characteristics of Backup Workloads in Production Systems
- WAN Optimized Replication of Backup Datasets Using Stream-Informed Delta Compression
- Recon: Verifying File System Consistency at Runtime
- Consistency Without Ordering
- ZZFS: A Hybrid Device and Cloud File System for Spontaneous Users
- Serving Large-scale Batch Computed Data with Project Voldemort
- BlueSky: A Cloud-Backed File System for the Enterprise
- Extracting Flexible, Replayable Models from Large Block Traces
- iDedup: Latency-aware, Inline Data Deduplication for Primary Storage