What you leave behind...
Well, after basicaly two months, I have seen all of Deep Space 9. It is a great series, and I’d like to get my own DVD set. :-) <message type="subliminal">go to Amazon, buy a season or two and give them to me</message>. Anyway, that’s it. In about a week or two, I’ll start watching The Original Series. That should take about a month (only 3 seasons). So, in other words…I have seen:
- random episodes of TOS
- all of TNG
- all of DS9
- second half of VOY
- random episodes of ENT
- all the movies
Comment by obiwan — May 26, 2005 @ 07:27
Thanks, I'll probably do something like that once I get to it.
Comment by JeffPC — May 26, 2005 @ 09:39