Josef “Jeff” Sipek

Wordpress sucks

As I mentioned in my previous post, I decided to upgrade my Wordpress install. Every single time I upgraded it, I have no problems whatsoever. So, this time around, I didn’t make a backup of the DB tables. Well, that was quite stupid of me. I copy over the new files (2.6 release tarball), and run the upgrade script. Poop! I lost all the category labels and descriptions. Gah! Absolutely, not fun. I have 40 categories, and now they don’t have any labels. Well, not anymore, I’m trying to figure out which category id was which category (sometimes not as easy as it should be). I got some, I’m not sure about some. If you had links to any categories, they’ll still work. If you had links to any posts, they’ll still work. Things will just look a bit disorganized if you look at the list of categories on the website, or if you look at which categories a post belongs to.

Please send any and all hate mail to the Wordpress developers for breaking an upgrade from one stable release to another.


  1. While you are upgrading your blog... Tom Melendez's URL changed slightly. Chop off 'index.php3'. Wow, php3... that link must've been a dud for a long time :P

    Comment by [unknown] — January 1, 1970 @ 00:00

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