Josef “Jeff” Sipek

Wanted: 1996 Mercury Grand Marquis hubcaps

So, about a week ago, I noticed that one of my hubcaps was missing. I found the fact somewhat disheartening, as it makes the car look older and more beaten up than it really is. Anyway, I had an item on my todo list to if I am somewhere near a junkyard of some sort, I’d pick up a hubcap. Well, today, I get out of work, I go to my car, and I approach it from the other side than I usually do. And what do I see? Well…rather…what don’t I see? Second hubcap gone. This if far too odd…losing one makes some sense…but losing 2, on the same axle? Very very odd…anyway, so if you happen to see two hubcaps hanging out somewhere not doing what they should be (e.g., covering my hubs!) tell them where to go. And don’t take a no for an answer.


  1. I didn't think there was a high demand for that particular item. hmm

    Comment by [unknown] — January 1, 1970 @ 00:00

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