Josef “Jeff” Sipek

OLS 2005 - day 1

Great! I survived the 13 hour train ride! NYC → Albany → Buffalo → Niaggara Falls → Aldershot. Shortly after getting off the train, cdlu picked me up.

Actually, it wasn’t that bad. It was quite good, but somewhat long. We departed about 15 minutes late, and arrived about 40 minutes late.

The plan for tomorrow is, we leave Guelph at about 11:00, pick up Shawn from a near by place his dad works at, and then we’re off to Ottawa! And don’t worry, I’ll take more photos tomorrow.

Here’s a shot from the car as we go to cdlu’s residence.

On the way to Guelph

And So the Quest Began...

Long time ago there was a castle called Camelot. One day, one of the knights, brave Sir Jeff, decided that ’tis was time to meet knights from all over the world. And so he and the others embarked from Camelot to meet in Ottawa.

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