Josef “Jeff” Sipek

OLS 2005 - day 7

I woke up rather tired at 11:30. After a quick shower, I packed most of my things, and then went to explore historic Ottawa. I took about 100 photos, some of which turned out quite nice:

The Canadian Parliament

I also saw the Canadian equivalent of IRS:

The Canadian Tax Collectors

It was time to go home. Unfortunately, we didn’t get to organize a #secretIRCchannel BOF, so we did the only thing we could do — take a group photo of the Les Suites room 814 subset of #secretIRCchannel users:

Inhabitants of room 814

At about 17:00, we (David, Laura, Shawn and I) started heading toward Toronto. Over those approximately 6 hours we spend in the car, I had my temperature sensor (which I got at OLS) sensing the temperature in the car and logging it into a database (PostgreSQL 8.0 running on my laptop if you must know). So, I have about 21600 temperature measurements. (I’ll write another entry with some statistical analysis.) On the way there, we stopped for chinese food which made David very happy:

David is happy

When we were entering the outskirts of Toronto, an accident occured in the middle lane — backing up traffic. Fortunatelly, they cleared it quickly. I got one blury photo of a tow truck…

A tow truck on 401

…right on the side of 401 (the number of the highway) going through Toronto and Kingston (where you turn north to go to Ottawa). Once inside Toronto, we got off the 401 and drove to Shawn’s house to drop him off. Shawn’s house, in all its glory:

Shawn’s house

Then it was time to go back to Guelph. We arrived there at 23:40-ish. A quick email and some IRC later, I went to bed.


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