Josef “Jeff” Sipek

Hello? Hello? Is anyone out there?

Ah, many people think that phones are obsolete. In a way so do I, but playing with a cool Voice over IP server makes things seem a lot different. Today for example, I conducted a VoIP phone call with Johny. The setup was fairly simple:

My laptop ↔ My Desktop/Asterisk server ↔ internet ↔ Johny’s Asterisk server ↔ Johny’s desktop

Simple eh? Well it was a fun call, and Johny realized just how cool Asterisk can be. Additionally, today I have been contacted by a certain individual who calls himself lutchann_. He told me that he has a FXO/FXS (I’m kind of confused which one is which) that he doesn’t need. He promissed to send it to me. Once I get it, I’ll have to add a new extension to asterisk, I think _93. sounds good.


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