Josef “Jeff” Sipek

No Gas

As I have mentioned to many of you, this was my first week of interning at IBM (this is my second year). Well, on Monday, after I got out of work, I realized I needed to get gas if I wanted to get home. I stopped at the first gas station (just down the road), and there were signs on all the pumps saying “No Gas”. Strange, I thought to myself, and so I drove to the next one (about 100m), and guess what…that one also had “No Gas” signs. Somewhat puzzled, and a bit worried (what if all of Wikipedia article: Westchester was out of gas?!). Lucky me, the 3rd station which was mere 50m further down the road, had gas…$3.64 for a US gallon of regular (compared to about $3.40 at home — yes, I realize, that’s still nothing compared to what the folks in Europe are paying).


  1. V Evropě platíme více kvůli daňové zátěži. Možná i díky ní je ekonomika méně závislá na ropě a neodvratný ropný šok lépe přežije. Také jsem nikdy neviděl na pumpě napsáno NO GAS ani nic podobného :-P

    Comment by [unknown] — January 1, 1970 @ 00:00

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