Josef “Jeff” Sipek

Linux is Hell

I think I’ve have just about enough of Linux…it barely works. It’s the same story over and over. You want to do something productive, and then you find out that you can’t for a million different reasons — ranging from “trivially solvable” upgrade some library (of course that’ll mean that half a dozen other libraries will want to get upgraded, and along with them half the system), to more serious - the .doc you got won’t open with OpenOffice because it’s using the latest and greatest MS Office format.

So, with all that said, I decided to reinstall my system….here’s what my desktop looks like now:

Linux is link hell, Inferno is like heaven

I couldn’t be happier.

Edit: This was of course April fools’ joke…I’m still using Linux.


  1. You totally got me! It does sound like the kind of thing you'd do :p

    Comment by [unknown] — January 1, 1970 @ 00:00

  2. I grabbed a copy of a Solaris 10 vm, but it didn't have X + CDE installed. So instead of trying to figure out how to install all that, I just started up a copy of Inferno I already had handy :)

    Comment by [unknown] — January 1, 1970 @ 00:00

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