Josef “Jeff” Sipek

Web Application Development

After a number of hours coding the Scrabble game for my class, I decided to take a break and visit a site that I haven’t been to for quite some time: It is a news site with computer related news - mostly Linux related. (I stopped visiting it since it was virtually dead - 1 article per month, but it seems like they got back up on their feet.) Anyway, so I look on the front page, and I see a link to an article that details how to make a Ruby on Rails application. The speed with which one can create an application is truly amazing. That always reminds me how much I like mod_python. So, I look around some more, and I see a link to the Django project. The name seemed familiar, so I click, and suddenly I remember. I have seen/heared of it a while back - it is similar to Ruby on Rails, but it is for Python. I think I’ll look into it some more (once I finish this Java code) and maybe I’ll use it on my next project.


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