Zoom in and Enhance!
Recently, I posted a gallery full of photos from Earth Day. While I was post-processing them, I noticed something interesting in one of the shots. Since it was interesting enough, I had to blahg about it. So, without further ado, let’s get started—in the style of terrible TV shows!
Display original image.
Zoom in. (Crop.)
Enhance. (Set shadows to +100.)
Enhance more. (Set black clipping to +100.)
Enhance even more. (Set exposure to +2EV.)
Zoom in more! (Resize 200% and then crop to original size.)
Ha! I knew it! There were people there! Mystery solved!
While I am being silly here, I think it’s actually very cool that so much detail got captured by the 24MP sensor on the D750 even at 70mm focal length while standing pretty far away.
Maybe in the near future, today’s groan-worthy “zoom in and enhance” TV scenes are going to be the reality we live in. Of course this brings up interesting concerns about privacy—is the camera pointing away from you actually focusing on a reflection of you? Alas I am not going to delve into this topic today.