Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges
I just remembered this phrase, and it seems quite accurate when one takes into consideration today’s political events.
I just remembered this phrase, and it seems quite accurate when one takes into consideration today’s political events.
Well, after basicaly two months, I have seen all of Deep Space 9. It is a great series, and I’d like to get my own DVD set. :-) <message type="subliminal">go to Amazon, buy a season or two and give them to me</message>. Anyway, that’s it. In about a week or two, I’ll start watching The Original Series. That should take about a month (only 3 seasons). So, in other words…I have seen:
John: go where?
Jeffpc (Away): Just remember the First Rule of Acquisition, Hewmons.
John: Nice. Away message. :D
John: I think you are a Cardassian, Jeff.
Jeffpc: And why would you say that?
John: Because Cardassians have an interesting name made of two key words.
John: Card and Asian.
John: idk cardassian sounds cool.
Jeffpc: From now on, address me as Gul Jeffat
John: interesting, why is that?
Jeffpc: because I said so, and if you do not, I’ll make sure my friends in the Obsidian Order hear about this.
John: idk on one hand it sounds like you’ve warmed up to my chicanery Jeff, and on the other, you sound like you are threatening to castrate me. how harsh.
Jeffpc: Computer, access all information regarding the Obsidian Order requiring security access level 1.
Jeffpc: *beep* *beep*
John: I thought you said you lost interest in D&D type stuff.
John: I see how it is, the moment you can load a weapon you hop onto the cavalry’s wagon.
John: tsk, tsk.
Jeffpc: This is enough! I will not stand here and be insulted!
Jeffpc: Computer, one to beam up.
Jeffpc: *swoosh*
Hello all! Sorry, but I must comment on some photos I found on’s site from the recent protest of the Enterprise fans.
I think I’ll use a very simple format for my rant. For each photograph, I will write a comment. In other words, if I had a directory structure such that there are two subdirectories, one called photos, and the other called comments. In each directory, there is a file with identical name but different extension. To write it out in something simpler to understand than English, here’s a small bash script:
for x in `find photos -type f` ; do echo photos/$x cat comments/$((echo $x | sed -e 's/jpg$/txt/g')) done
Anyway, enough of this…here’s my rant:
Exhibit 1:
I have to agree with this poster, Kirk would save Star Trek. Conincidentally, that’s what’s going on. UPN doesn’t want Enterprise because it is not profitable. It would be if it was real Star Trek.
Exhibit 2:
Yes, and I think it is irresponsible to protest against stopping the production of Enterprise.
Exhibit 3:
It must have been relatively quiet day at Paramount…
Exhibit 4:
You’ve got to be joking. Yes, even Vulcans have emotions, but they are _SUPPOSED TO_ supressed them. As for the other member of the “best couple”…urgh…
Exhibit 5:
Yes, Paramount made a mistake in 1969. But let’s face it, Original series wasn’t too much of a hit when it was first on the air in 1966-1969. Its popularity was much greater in 1970, until it lead to the Star Trek:The Motion Picture, which lead to 9 more movies, 14 seasons of good Star Trek (1 season = about 24 episodes), 7 seasons of mediocre episodes, and 4 seasons of Enterprise. What a bad way to end this series of series. :-(
Note: Now we are getting to the more bizarre photos…
Exhibit 6:
Let’s save Enterprise because the dog is cute! What a brilliant idea!
Exhibit 7:
No comment.
While eating my dinner, I turned on the TV and I noticed that they were playing ST:VOY. I decided to keep watching. I noticed few things…
After the episode ended, another one started, this time, it was Enterprise - the crappy series, not related to anything else with the same name. I decided to see at least the begining of the episode since I know the series has been written off an unprofitable (I think that’s the reason). I noticed several blatantly obvious stupidities..
Bleh, I’m getting sick of taking about Enterprise…:-/ Time to post this and forget I ever watched ENT.
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