Josef “Jeff” Sipek


Cap’n Proto — an insanely fast data interchange format.

The First Port of Unix

International Obfuscated C Code Contest winning entries — list of all the winning entries for all 23 years of IOCCC.

How to destroy Programmer Productivity

The Open-Office Trap — Having spent a couple of years in an open-office environment, I can tell you first hand that open-office is a bad idea. It was very annoying dealing with one set of light switches for about 70 people. The people near the window wanted them off, while us far away from the window wanted them on. The noise was also annoying — the chatty people (e.g., sales and support) were the worst. They were not malicious, just doing their job or chatting between phone calls.

Inside The Secret World of Russia’s Cold War Mapmakers

Wikipedia article: Underwater rugby — It is more like underwater basketball. I find it fascinating that player positions are a 3D location not a 2D location like in “normal” sports.

The Memory Sinkhole — an x86 design flaw allowing ring -2 privilege escalation.

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