September 2022 BCRA Fox Hunt
This post is about a fox hunt organized by the Bristol County Repeater Association in September 2022. (Information about the last/next fox hunting event.)
Unfortunately, I didn’t get to participate in the BCRA June fox hunt because it conflicted with the ARRL June VHF contest. As a result, I was rather excited to participate. Just like last time, Holly joined me.
Our goals were:
- Find the two foxes.
- Find the foxes quickly enough so we could head back home and enjoy a little bit of Arlington Town Day.
- Wipe the floor with our competitors—namely KM1NDY and AA1F.
We were going to keep the last goal to ourselves, but during the fox hunt check-in at 9:45am, Mindy threw some shade in our direction…so, I guess that’s the kind of game we’re playing. ;) (For the record, Marc and Mindy were accompanied by Jeremy. So, they had three hams on their team.)
This time, the two foxes were within a 5-mile radius of Church St in Swansea. I like this. A 5-mile radius is still a lot of ground to cover but avoids having to drive for a long time.
For the most part, this hunt was like the last one. I used the same Alinco handheld with the same home-built yagi. I jotted down the measured vectors on a map on my iPad. The major change since last time is the addition of a second radio—a GT-5R Baofeng handheld with a small loop antenna I threw together a few nights ago. I’m not sure how much it helped, since the Baofeng is both poorly shielded (and therefore picks up strong signals) and kind of deaf (and therefore doesn’t pick up weaker signals).
Inspecting the map while enjoying breakfast in a Dunks parking lot a couple of miles north of Fall River, we concluded that we should start the hunt near I-195 in Fall River. That way, we could quickly get to the other side of the river if it turned out that both foxes were on the other side.
(The higher resolution map resulted in my annotations being kind of small when zoomed all the way out. The ~2MB full-sized image shows them better.)
The first vectors were rather disappointing. The first fox (which we dubbed the red fox), seemed not too far away but not very close. The second fox (blue), was very weak and apparently on the other side of the river. Well, that’s what we got from the Alinco+yagi. The Baofeng+loop got nothing.
Driving to stop number two, Holly picked up a little bit of the red fox’s second transmission. This was encouraging—the loop wasn’t completely useless and hopefully we were getting closer to the fox. Unfortunately, the first and second red fox vectors disagreed a little too much. So, we drove a bit further to see which direction it would confirm.
At stop number three, we concluded that either the red fox was down near the water or somewhere on the other side of the river (but not too far past it). Recalling the back-and-forth driving we did during last year’s hunt, we decided that our next stop would be near the bridge, which should tell us which bank the fox is on.
The signal got a whole lot stronger at the fourth stop. So much so that we thought that the fox must be in or near the nearby cemetery or park. This is why you can see stops 5–8 so close together on the map. After getting a very strong signal (even with 16dB of attenuation) at stop number 8 (and not having too many convenient places to pull over) I started to circle the various blocks looking for parking lots where someone could park for the 4+ hours of the hunt to act as a fox. While I was circling, Holly was trying to use the loop antenna and looking at the map.
Soon enough, we happened onto a parking lot for a strip mall. We drove around the lot, not seeing the Jeep we were expecting. So, I pulled into a spot to regroup and get another yagi vector when I noticed that a car on the other side of parking lot had two antennas on the roof. Sure enough, it was Skip’s Jeep.
We were the third ones to find it. (I didn’t actually note down the time, but it was something like 11:15-11:25, so somewhere between an hour and hour and a half since the start.)
You can see that I stopped jotting down blue fox’s vectors after the 4th stop. That is because we concluded that it was on the other side of the river and because it was weak, it was probably far enough that we’d just continue getting essentially parallel vectors.
Next stop (#10) was Home Depot. Well, their parking lot. It is large and it is easy to get out of the car and swing the yagi around. The signal was stronger, but that’s all the new information we got. So, looking at the map, we picked a spot about halfway between the Home Depot and the edge of the 5-mile circle.
There was not a whole lot in the vicinity of stop #11, so we just pulled over on a side street. Unfortunately, due to a timing error on our behalf, we missed one transmission. So we had to wait for the next one delaying us 5 minutes. The vector we got was confusing. It pointed north, but was weaker than the Home Depot one. On a gut feeling, we chose to ignore it and continue west. Just as we were going to get into our car, we were approached by a woman who lived in the house near which we stopped. After I explained that we were doing a ham radio fox hunt, she wished us luck and headed back inside the house.
Our penultimate stop was the parking lot of a middle school in Warren. There, we got confused because we heard the blue fox transmit 2.5 minutes early, and then right on time. After briefly considering that someone was transmitting a fake fox signal, we decided to trust the vector and follow the RI-136 north, hoping to stop around the middle for another vector.
While driving up RI-136, I started looking for a good place to stop…when suddenly I noticed a blue pickup with a “BCRA” sign in the window. A quick turn into the adjacent parking lot and a little bit of parking lot hopping later, we pulled up to Kevin’s truck at 12:01. We found out that we were the second ones to find his fox, and that earlier, due to a technical issue, he transmitted off-cycle.
After chatting for a few minutes, we headed home, walked downtown, and got tasty burgers and beer.
So, to recap: we found both foxes, we found them in 2 hours and 1 minute, got to enjoy the Arlington Town Day, and last (but definitely not least) I think we wiped the floor with the KM1NDY team. ;)
Edit: Mindy wrote her own blog post about the fox hunt.
Haha, love it! Yup, we were saying the whole way down there, we gotta beat Jeff! We finally found Skip, but it was after we started on the other side of the river. Jeremy brought some passive attenuators and they actually helped immensely with the arrow yagi and yaesu FT4X. And he of course has a 6th it he sense when it comes to RF.
And so we asked Skip if you made it yet, and he was like "Sure has!" I think you guys were actually second behind Mike. We knew we lost at that point!!!
It was an awesome day though! We would have loved to had a chance to meet Holly and hang out, but it sounds like you guys had a lot of fun anyway.
Mindy & the Bearsden Gang
Comment by Mindy — September 18, 2022 @ 13:42