Josef “Jeff” Sipek

Plotting with ggmap

Recently, I came across ggmap package for R. It supposedly makes for some very easy plotting on top of Google Maps or OpenStreetMap. I grabbed a GPS recording I had laying around, and gave it a try.

You may recall my previous attempts at plotting GPS data. This time, the data file I was using was recorded with a USB GPS dongle. The data is much nicer than what a cheap smartphone GPS could produce.

> head(pts)
        time   ept      lat       lon   alt   epx    epy mode
1 1357826674 0.005 42.22712 -83.75227 297.7 9.436 12.755    3
2 1357826675 0.005 42.22712 -83.75227 297.9 9.436 12.755    3
3 1357826676 0.005 42.22712 -83.75227 298.1 9.436 12.755    3
4 1357826677 0.005 42.22712 -83.75227 298.4 9.436 12.755    3
5 1357826678 0.005 42.22712 -83.75227 298.6 9.436 12.755    3
6 1357826679 0.005 42.22712 -83.75227 298.8 9.436 12.755    3

For this test, I used only the latitude, longitude, and altitude columns. Since the altitude is in meters, I multiplied it by 3.2 to get a rough altitude in feet. Since the data file is long and goes all over, I truncated it to only the last 33 minutes.

The magical function is the get_map function. You feed it a location, a zoom level, and the type of map and it returns the image. Once you have the map data, you can use it with the ggmap function to make a plot. ggmap behaves a lot like ggplot2’s ggplot function and so I felt right at home.

Since the data I am trying to plot is a sequence of latitude and longitude observations, I’m going to use the geom_path function to plot them. Using geom_line would not produce a path since it reorders the data points. Second, I’m plotting the altitude as the color.

Here are the resulting images:

If you are wondering why the line doesn’t follow any roads… Roads? Where we’re going, we don’t need roads. (Hint: flying)

Here’s the entire script to get the plots:

#!/usr/bin/env Rscript


pts <- read.csv("gps.csv")

/* get the bounding box... left, bottom, right, top */
loc <- c(min(pts$lon), min(pts$lat), max(pts$lon), max(pts$lat))

for (type in c("roadmap","hybrid","terrain")) {
	map <- get_map(location=loc, zoom=13, maptype=type)
	p <- ggmap(map) + geom_path(aes(x=lon, y=lat, color=alt*3.2), data=pts)

	jpeg(paste(type, "-preview.jpg", sep=""), width=600, height=600)

	jpeg(paste(type, ".jpg", sep=""), width=1024, height=1024)

P.S. If you are going to use any of the maps for anything, you better read the terms of service.


  1. The data frame that's read from the CSV file is called 'pts'. However, in the rest of the code, the data frame being referenced is called 'x'. Can you check in the inconsistency?

    Comment by Nick — February 19, 2014 @ 21:15

  2. Thank you, very useful information. How can I change the blue colour?

    Comment by Carol — July 14, 2014 @ 15:27

  3. The easiest way is to use scale_color_gradient() before the geom_path() call. For example: ... + scale_color_gradient(high="red",low="yellow") + ... You can read more in the docs for ggplot2:

    Comment by JeffPC — July 15, 2014 @ 14:42

  4. Nick, you are correct. I fixed it. Thanks!

    Comment by JeffPC — July 15, 2014 @ 14:44

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