Josef “Jeff” Sipek

Serial Console in a Zone

In the past, I’ve talked about serial consoles. I have described how to set up a serial console on Solaris/OpenIndiana. I’ve talked about Grub’s composite console in Illumos-based distros. This time, I’m going do describe the one trick necessary to get tip(1) in a zone working.

In my case, I am using SmartOS to run my zones. Sadly, SmartOS doesn’t support device pass-through of this sort, so I have to tweak the zone config after I create the zone with vmadm.

Let’s assume that the serial port I want to pass through is /dev/term/a. Passing it through into a zone is as easy as:

[root@isis ~]# zonecfg -z 7cff99f6-2b01-464d-9f72-d0ef16ce48af
zonecfg:7cff99f6-2b01-464d-9f72-d0ef16ce48af> add device
zonecfg:7cff99f6-2b01-464d-9f72-d0ef16ce48af:device> set match=/dev/term/a
zonecfg:7cff99f6-2b01-464d-9f72-d0ef16ce48af:device> end
zonecfg:7cff99f6-2b01-464d-9f72-d0ef16ce48af> commit

At this point, you’ll probably want to reboot the zone (I don’t remember if it is strictly necessary). Once it is back up, you’ll want to get into the zone and point your software of choice at /dev/term/a. It doesn’t matter that you are in a zone. The same configuration rules apply — in my case, it’s the same change to /etc/remote as I described previously.

Inlining Atomic Operations

One of the items on my ever growing TODO list (do these ever shrink?) was to see if inlining Illumos’s atomic_* functions would make any difference. (For the record, these functions atomically manipulate variables. You can read more about them in the various man pages — atomic_add, atomic_and, atomic_bits, atomic_cas, atomic_dec, atomic_inc, atomic_or, atomic_swap.) Of course once I looked at the issue deeply enough, I ended up with five cleanup patches. The gist of it is, inlining them caused not only about 1% kernel performance improvement on the benchmarks, but also reduced the kernel size by a couple of kilobytes. You can read all about it in the associated bugs (5042, 5043, 5044, 5045, 5046, 5047) and the patch 0/6 email I sent to the developer list. In this blahg post, I want to talk about how exactly Illumos presents these atomic functions in a stable ABI but at the same time allows for inlines.


It should come as no surprise that the “content” of these functions really needs to be written in assembly. The functions are 100% implemented in assembly in usr/src/common/atomic. There, you will find a directory per architecture. For example, in the amd64 directory, we’ll find the code for a 64-bit atomic increment:

	incq	(%rdi)

The ENTRY, ALTENTRY, and SET_SIZE macros are C preprocessor macros to make writing assembly functions semi-sane. Anyway, this code is used by both the kernel as well as userspace. I am going to ignore the userspace side of the picture and talk about the kernel only.

These assembly functions, get mangled by the C preprocessor, and then are fed into the assembler. The object file is then linked into the rest of the kernel. When a module binary references these functions the krtld (linker-loader) wires up those references to this code.


Replacing these function with inline functions (using the GNU definition) would be fine as far as all the code in Illumos is concerned. However doing so would remove the actual functions (as well as the symbol table entries) and so the linker would not be able to wire up any references from modules. Since Illumos cares about not breaking existing external modules (both open source and closed source), this simple approach would be a no-go.

Inline v2

Before I go into the next and final approach, I’m going to make a small detour through C land.

extern inline

First off, let’s say that we have a simple function, add, that returns the sum of the two integer arguments, and we keep it in a file called add.c:

#include "add.h"

int add(int x, int y)
	return x + y;

In the associated header file, add.h, we may include a prototype like the following to let the compiler know that add exists elsewhere and what types to expect.

extern int add(int, int);

Then, we attempt to call it from a function in, say, test.c:

#include "add.h"

int test()
	return add(5, 7);

Now, let’s turn these two .c files into a .so. We get the obvious result — test calls add:

    test:     be 07 00 00 00     movl   $0x7,%esi
    test+0x5: bf 05 00 00 00     movl   $0x5,%edi
    test+0xa: e9 b1 fe ff ff     jmp    -0x14f	<0xc90>

And the binary contains both functions:

$ /usr/bin/nm | egrep '(Value|test$|add$)'
[Index]   Value                Size                Type  Bind  Other Shndx Name
[74]	|                3520|                   4|FUNC |GLOB |0    |13   |add
[65]	|                3536|                  15|FUNC |GLOB |0    |13   |test

Now suppose that we modify the header file to include the following (assuming GCC’s inline definition):

extern int add(int, int);

extern inline int add(int a, int b)
	return a + b;

If we compile and link the same .so the same way, that is we feed in the object file with the previously used implementation of add, we’ll get a slightly different binary. The invocation of add will use the inlined version:

    test:     b8 0c 00 00 00     movl   $0xc,%eax
    test+0x5: c3                 ret    

But the binary will still include the symbol:

$ /usr/bin/nm | egrep '(Value|test$|add$)'
[Index]   Value                Size                Type  Bind  Other Shndx Name
[72]	|                3408|                   4|FUNC |GLOB |0    |11   |add
[63]	|                3424|                   6|FUNC |GLOB |0    |11   |test

Neat, eh?

extern inline atomic what?

How does this apply to the atomic functions? Pretty simply. As I pointed out, usr/src/common/atomic contains the pure assembly implementations — these are the functions you’ll always find in the symbol table.

The common header file that defines extern prototypes is usr/src/uts/common/sys/atomic.h.

Now, the trick. If you look carefully at the header file, you’ll spot a check on line 39. If all the conditions are true (kernel code, GCC, inline assembly is allowed, and x86), we include asm/atomic.h — which lives at usr/src/uts/intel/asm/atomic.h. This is where the extern inline versions of the atomic functions get defined.

So, kernel code simply includes <sys/atomic.h>, and if the stars align properly, any atomic function use will get inlined.

Phew! This ended up being longer than I expected. :)

Grub Composite Console

In the past, I’ve described how to get a serial console going on Illumos based systems. If you ever used a serial console in Grub (regardless of the OS you ended up booting), you probably know that telling Grub to output to a serial port causes the VGA console to become totally useless — it’s blank.

Well, if you are using Illumos, you are in luck. About 5 months ago, Joyent integrated a “composite console” in Grub. You can read the full description in the bug report/feature request. The short version is: all grub output can be sent to both the VGA console as well as over a serial port.

It is very easy to configure. In your menu.lst, change the terminal to composite. For example, this comes from my test box’s config file (omitting the uninteresting bits):

serial --unit=0 --speed=115200
terminal composite

Note the use of composite instead of serial. That’s all there is to it.

Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces

I just found out that Remzi and Andrea decided to write a textbook about operating systems. This is exciting for several reasons. Here are the top two.

First and foremost, the book is free. That’s right, a textbook that is free when every other computer science textbook is easily around $100. Why? I’ll let Remzi make the case. Long story short, publishing a textbook isn’t about making money. It is about sharing ideas. You can download it from the textbook’s website.

Second, the book is by Remzi and Andrea. This pair of professors from the University of Wisconsin is responsible for a ton of amazing storage related research. If you don’t believe me, check out their publication track record.

I suppose I should mention that I have read only very little of the book, but I did push it onto the top of my to-read stack and I’m slowly making my way through it. I’ll let you all know how it goes.

Lua Compatibility

Phew! Yesterday afternoon, I decided to upgrade my laptop’s OpenIndiana from 151a9 to “Hipster”. I did it in a bit convoluted way, and hopefully I’ll write about that some other day. In the end, I ended up with a fresh install of the OS with X11 and Gnome. If you’ve ever seen my monitors, you know that I do not use Gnome — I use Notion. So, of course I had it install it. Sadly, OpenIndiana doesn’t ship it so it was up to me to compile it. After the usual fight to get a piece of software to compile on Illumos (a number of the Solaris-isms are still visible), I got it installed. A quick gdm login later, Notion threw me into a minimal environment because something was exploding.

After far too many hours of fighting it, searching online, and trying random things, I concluded that it was not Notion’s fault. Rather, it was something on the system. Eventually, I figured it out. Lua 5.2 (which is standard on Hipster) is not compatible with Lua 5.1 (which is standard on 151a9)! Specifically, a number of functions have been removed and the behavior of other functions changed. Not being a Lua expert (I just deal with it whevever I need to change my window manager’s configuration), it took longer than it should but eventually I managed to get Notion working like it should be.

So, what sort of incompatibilies did I have to work around?


loadstring got renamed to load. This is an easy to fix thing, but still a headache especially if you want to support multiple versions of Lua.


table.maxn got removed. This function returned the largest positive integer key in an associative array (aka. a table) or 0 if there aren’t any. (Lua indexes arrays starting at 1.) The developers decided that it’s so simple that those that want it can write it themselves. Here’s my version:

local function table_maxn(t)
    local mn = 0
    for k, v in pairs(t) do
        if mn < k then
            mn = k
    return mn


table.insert now checks bounds. There doesn’t appear to be any specific way to get old behavior. In my case, I was lucky. The index/positition for the insertion was one higher than table_maxn returned. So, I could replace:

table.insert(ret, pos, newscreen)


ret[pos] = newscreen

Final Thougths

I can understand wanting to deprecate old crufty interfaces, but I’m not sure that the Lua developers did it right. I really think they should have marked those interfaces as obsolete, make any use spit out a warning, and then in a couple of years remove it. I think that not doing this, will hurt Lua 5.2’s adoption.

Yes, I believe there is some sort of a compile time option for Lua to get legacy interfaces, but not everyone wants to recompile Lua because the system installed version wasn’t compiled quite the way that would make things Just Work™.

Generating Random Data

Over the years, there have been occasions when I needed to generate random data to feed into whatever system. At times, simply using /dev/random or /dev/urandom was sufficient. At other times, I needed to generate random data at a rate that exceeded what I could get out of /dev/random. This morning, I read Chris’s blog entry about his need for generating lots of random data. I decided that I should write my favorite approach so that others can benefit.

The approach is very simple. There are two phases. First, we set up our own random pool. Second we use the random pool. I am going to use an example throughout the rest of this post. Suppose that we want to make repeated 128 kB writes to a block device and we want the data to be random so that the device can’t do anything clever (e.g., compress or dedup). Say that during this benchmark we want to write out 64 GB total. (In other words, we will issue 524288 writes.)

Setup Phase

During the setup phase, we create a pool of random data. The easiest way is to just read /dev/urandom. Here, we want to read enough data so that the pool is large enough. For our 128kB write example, we’d want at least 1 MB. (I’ll explain the sizing later. I would probably go with something like 8 MB because unless I’m on some sort of limited system, the extra 7 MB of RAM won’t be missed.)

“Using the Pool” Phase

Now that we have the pool, we can use it to generate random buffers. The basic idea is to pick a random offset into the pool and just grab the bytes starting at that location. In our example, we’d pick a random offset between zero and pool size minus 128 kB, and use the 128 kB at that offset.

In pseudo code:

#define BUF_SIZE	(128 * 1024)
#define POOL_SIZE	(1024 * 1024)

static char pool[POOL_SIZE];

char *generate()
	return &pool[rand() % (POOL_SIZE - BUF_SIZE)];

That’s it! You can of course make it more general and let the caller tell you how many bytes they want:

#define POOL_SIZE	(1024 * 1024)

static char pool[POOL_SIZE];

char *generate(size_t len)
	return &pool[rand() % (POOL_SIZE - len)];

It takes a pretty simple argument to show that even a modest sized pool will be able to generate lots of different random buffers. Let’s say we’re dealing with the 128 kB buffer and 1 MB pool case. The pool can return 128 kB starting at offset 0, or offset 1, or offset 2, … or offset 9175043 (1MB-128kB-1B). This means that there are 917504 possible outputs. Recall, that in our example we were planning on writing out 64 GB in total which was 524288 writes.


In other words, we are planning on using less than 58% of the possible outputs from our 1 MB pool to write out 64 GB of random data! (An 8 MB pool would yield 6.3% usage.)

If the length is variable, the math gets more complicated, but in a way we get even better results (i.e., lower usage) because to generate the same buffer we would need have the same offset and length. If the caller supplies random (pseudo-random or based on some distribution) lengths, we’re very unlikely to get the same buffer out of the pool.


Some of you may have noticed that we traded generating 128 kB (or a user supplied length) of random data for generating a random integer. There are two options there, either you can use a fast pseudo-random number generator (like the Wikipedia article: Mersenne twister), or you can reuse same pool! In other words:

#define POOL_SIZE	(1024 * 1024)

static char pool[POOL_SIZE];
static size_t *ridx = (size_t *) pool;

char *generate(size_t len)
	if ((uintptr_t) ridx == (uintptr_t) &pool[POOL_SIZE])
		ridx = (size_t *) pool;


	return &pool[*ridx % (POOL_SIZE - len)];

I leave it as an exercise for the reader to either make it multi-thread safe, or to make the index passed in similarly to how rand_r takes an argument.

rand_r Considered Harmful

Since we’re on the topic of random number generation, I thought I’d mention what is already rather widely known fact — libc’s rand and rand_r implementations are terrible. At one point, I tried using them with this approach to generate random buffers, but it didn’t take very long before I got repeats! Caveat emptor.

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