Josef “Jeff” Sipek

GCC Optimizations

Recently, I’ve been given a hang bug to work on. This lead me to a another bug related to timing which pushed me to clean up a time related #define which uncovered at least two bugs. Got all that? Good. The rest of this post is going to talk about the changed define, and one of the “at least two bugs”. When I talk about GCC, I’m talking about the Illumos-specific GCC version 4.4.4. (Illumos needs a couple of features that stock GCC doesn’t provide.)

The #define change I’m hoping to make is very simple:

diff --git a/usr/src/uts/common/sys/time.h b/usr/src/uts/common/sys/time.h
--- a/usr/src/uts/common/sys/time.h
+++ b/usr/src/uts/common/sys/time.h
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ struct itimerval32 {
 #define        SEC             1
 #define        MILLISEC        1000
 #define        MICROSEC        1000000
-#define        NANOSEC         1000000000
+#define        NANOSEC         1000000000ll
 #define        MSEC2NSEC(m)    ((hrtime_t)(m) * (NANOSEC / MILLISEC))
 #define        NSEC2MSEC(n)    ((n) / (NANOSEC / MILLISEC))

Without it, multiplying by NANOSEC will cause integer overflow issues on IPL32 and LP64 systems (read: basically everywhere).

One of the “at least two bugs“ involves a simple (buggy) function aptly named tv2ns as it converts a struct timeval to a 64-bit nanosecond count:

static int64_t
tv2ns(struct timeval *tvp)
	return (tvp->tv_sec * NANOSEC + tvp->tv_usec * 1000);

At first glance, this function looks correct. The only flaw with it is that first portion of the expression multiplies a time_t (32-bit signed int) with an int (also 32-bit signed) making the result of that subexpression 32-bit signed expression. With NANOSEC changed to a long long, everything works as expected. Now, the fun part… disassembling this function without the fix. You don’t have to be an expert to see that this function is strangely repetitive. I’ve annotated the assembly.

tv2ns:          movl   0x4(%esp),%eax     ; eax = tvp
tv2ns+4:        movl   0x4(%eax),%edx     ; edx = tvp->tv_usec
tv2ns+7:        leal   (%edx,%edx,4),%edx ; edx = edx + 4 * edx
tv2ns+0xa:      leal   (%edx,%edx,4),%edx ;     = 5 * edx
tv2ns+0xd:      leal   (%edx,%edx,4),%edx
; at this point:  edx = 5 * 5 * 5 * tvp->tv_usec,
; which is the same as: 125 * tvp->tv_usec
tv2ns+0x10:     movl   (%eax),%eax        ; eax = tvp->tv_sec
tv2ns+0x12:     leal   (%eax,%eax,4),%eax ; eax = eax + 4 * eax
tv2ns+0x15:     leal   (%eax,%eax,4),%eax ;     = 5 * eax
tv2ns+0x18:     leal   (%eax,%eax,4),%eax
tv2ns+0x1b:     leal   (%eax,%eax,4),%eax
tv2ns+0x1e:     leal   (%eax,%eax,4),%eax
tv2ns+0x21:     leal   (%eax,%eax,4),%eax
tv2ns+0x24:     leal   (%eax,%eax,4),%eax
tv2ns+0x27:     leal   (%eax,%eax,4),%eax
tv2ns+0x2a:     leal   (%eax,%eax,4),%eax
; at this point,  eax = 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * tvp->tv_sec,
; which is the same as: 1953125 * tvp->tv_sec
tv2ns+0x2d:     shll   $0x9,%eax          ; eax <<= 9
; eax = (1953125 * tvp->tv_sec) << 9,
; which suprprisingly ends up being the same as: 1000000000 * tvp->tv_sec
; so, now we have 'eax' with the tv_sec converted to nanoseconds and 'edx'
; with 125 * tv_usec
tv2ns+0x30:     leal   (%eax,%edx,8),%eax ; eax = eax + 8 * edx
; 8 * 125 = 1000, which is the factor to convert tv_usec to nanoseconds!
tv2ns+0x33:     cltd                      ; sign-extend eax to edx:eax
tv2ns+0x34:     ret    

I found it interesting that GCC decided to emit leal instructions to multiply by 5 and then finish it off with a shift and another leal. This is another one of those times when I realize that the compiler is smarter than me. (The sign-extension of course happens too late — all the math needs to happen as 64-bit arithmetic, but that’s not GCC’s fault.)

For the record, with the #define changed, the function looks like the following — sorry, no comments on this one:

tv2ns:          pushl  %edi
tv2ns+1:        pushl  %esi
tv2ns+2:        pushl  %ebx
tv2ns+3:        subl   $0x8,%esp
tv2ns+6:        movl   0x18(%esp),%ecx
tv2ns+0xa:      movl   0x4(%ecx),%eax
tv2ns+0xd:      leal   (%eax,%eax,4),%eax
tv2ns+0x10:     leal   (%eax,%eax,4),%eax
tv2ns+0x13:     leal   (%eax,%eax,4),%ebx
tv2ns+0x16:     shll   $0x3,%ebx
tv2ns+0x19:     movl   %ebx,%esi
tv2ns+0x1b:     sarl   $0x1f,%esi
tv2ns+0x1e:     movl   $0x3b9aca00,%edi
tv2ns+0x23:     movl   (%ecx),%eax
tv2ns+0x25:     imull  %edi
tv2ns+0x27:     movl   %eax,(%esp)
tv2ns+0x2a:     movl   %edx,0x4(%esp)
tv2ns+0x2e:     addl   %ebx,%eax
tv2ns+0x30:     adcl   %esi,%edx
tv2ns+0x32:     addl   $0x8,%esp
tv2ns+0x35:     popl   %ebx
tv2ns+0x36:     popl   %esi
tv2ns+0x37:     popl   %edi
tv2ns+0x38:     ret    

Maybe one day I’ll rummage through my brain and dig up other times that GCC is outsmarted me and blahg about them. :)

Happy 50th, System/360

It’s been a while since I blahged about mainframes. Rest assured, I’m still a huge fan, I’m just preoccupied with other things to continuously extoll their virtues.

The reason I’m writing today is because it is the 50th anniversary of the System/360 announcement. Aside from the “50 years already?” sentiment, I have a couple of images to share. (I found these several years ago on someone’s GeoCities site. It’s a good thing I made a mirror :) )

I also came across this video from 1964:

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